"Free Trade...exploitation, veil by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation" (Communist Manifesto). (Not sure about the religious aspect) but for "shameless, direct, brutal exploitation", my meaning of that phrase are how the capitalists steals the profit from the workers and use it for themselves to earn big and become rich/wealthy. The three words in the phrase, shameless, direct and brutal shows Marx or the translation from the German original shows how capitalism is rather evil system and by shameless, I think whatever means to get rich and using others for that. The "bourgeoisie" cannot exists without production which connects to the relations of society because they need labor to get their businesses working. Since the workers, who we also called proleterians (one who sells their labor power) are being used and the capitalists expropriating our labor and money, "man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind". Capitalism is not "holy" and we cannot all think that by working hard, we would get to where we want (maybe some do, like rags to riches) but we all have to face the real conditions of life, and the connections that we have between each others.
"The modern working class - the proletarians". The more hard we work and more work is piled up, the wages decrease. Because capitalists threaten us in a way, saying how if you don't want to work, I can go outside and find anybody to substitute for you and which makes it hard for all the workers. It is hard to find jobs and the workers have competition within each other as well as with the capitalists. The better one would get the job but doesn't mean their pay would be as much. The competition makes the workers become "stronger, firmer," and "mightier". This helps the workers to slowly overthrow the capitalists since their demands are getting higher and higher. They are not dumb and they are able to help each other to make a "revolutionary party" to free everyone from the capitalists. I think in the end, the victory would go the the proletarians, becoming communists because after reading what Marx's wrote, it changes my mind about what America is becoming. With all these booms and crashes that are happening over the history, someday, all the workers would get fed up and aufhebung capitalism and start changing.
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