Tuesday, September 16, 2008



1. What have you included in this video?
I have include a lot of anime pictures or animes that I like. I took pictures of a bunch of manga books that have different titles together, and a drawing that I did on the manga and anime "Vampire Knight." Also the first picture that was shown on the slideshow is my three stuff toys, Tohru, Naruto, and Ichigo. The song in the background is titled the "Musician".

2. Explain how different parts of the video relate to your way of life.
This video is showing how I view as my way of life is so I am not in there. One of the aspects of my life, is ANIME and MANGA. Mostly everyday at home, I either watch anime or read manga or do both. The pictures that has a a lot of mangas taken together shows how I cherish and love my mangas. I get to learn a lot of things from different sort of genres of anime or manga and actually seeing the actions or drawings of what the mangaka/artists are trying to show. xD
Besides doing those two, I would chat and hang out with my friends either through internet, or games or just face to face. Friends are what I cherish alot besides anime and manga. In the slideshow, I used some of the anime pictures to represent my friends, for example, the pictures with 5 little kids in there (anime: Detective Conan). Additionally, I put “Ore wa ore de iyou” which is in Japanese (its in the “he” form, not “she” but I am using it to represent me) in the slideshow, which sort of means, “being me is fine”. I like how I am now and how people should be their own self rather than having to be a replica of someone else.

3. What's seems good about your way of life? What's bad? What's neutral?
The things that seem good about my way of life are that my life now is quite relaxed, I mean more relax than the other people who are really busy and have no time to do anything they like. However, I am able to reserve time to do what I like, basically anime, manga, playing games, and chatting with friends. I also have friends that support me. Almost towards the end of the slideshow, a picture shows a hand with an "x" on it, representing no matter what happens; my friends and I will still be friends.
What seems bad about my life are how when I found an anime or manga that I liked, within the period of time, some kind of anime company would come and license it. Therefore, the fansub groups can not be allowed to sub the anime causing me to stop the anime half way, which is bad for me. Other than that, there are a lot of things and adventures I wish to do, however I am not able to grant it because 1) not enough money, 2) mostly every parents wish their kids to have their education at top and my parents are one of them and 3) finding a job has a low percentage for me. So there are a lot of unfair things in my life as a teenagers right now.
The neutral part of my life is okay. I like the apartment I live in, and going to school is okay too. I do not have much complaint generally in how I am living now but I just think that maybe New York should add more nature and "green" around the City.

4. What would you have liked to have included, that is important to your way of life, but weren't able to?
I would have put my friends pictures on the slideshow but weren't able to because either my friends do not like taking pictures or they are shy. However I think it is okay since it is best not to push people to something they do not want to do. =]

Anime & Manga...Jia Min's Way of LiFE ~~<3 from Jia Min on Vimeo.

5. What's going on with your way of life? What seems to be the general pattern or direction or point or situation?
What's going on with my way of life and the general pattern of my life are going to school, learning what the teachers are teaching, on Tuesday going to comic class. Then I go home after school ends. I would spend most of my time on the computer watching anime or reading manga online and chatting with my friends or playing games.

6. How do the good, bad, and neutral in your way of life fit together?
Having all the good such as anime and manga =] plus my friends and other things I think about in the day and night happening in my life with the bad things such as having to stress over things like homework, and life xD with neutral parts all fits in to my life. If not, I think it is a boring life and having all those good, bad, and neutral parts give me experiences and how can I fix it in the future if it happens again. In my life, good and bad things always happen everyday in some kind of order. Sometimes it drives me crazy but I would wonder why are these bad things happening to me?

7. Does your way of life seem like a "typical American Way of Life"? Why or why not?
My way of life seems like a typical American way of life because I go online and do media such as watching videos, chatting with friends online and playing games. Also going to school by subway, going to movies, and hanging out with friends.
My way of life also does not seem like a typical American way of life because my interests are mostly in anime and manga, which not most of the typical Americans do. It is like everybody has their own world in their mind of things they do that they do themselves. I am like that too. Sometimes I rather be in my own little world thinking about a lot of topics where I do not like to get distracted. One of those topics are anime and manga. When I try to focus on the videos or the book, and somebody comes in to my world and started bothering or talking to me, it would start getting annoying.

8. What aspects of your way of life seem really interesting to you – you’d like to think about them more deeply, figure out how this sort of thing developed historically, what’s going to happen to this aspect of your way of life within your lifetime? What questions do you have about these really interesting aspects of your way of life?
Why are there a lot of things that we cannot control? Why can people not accept how other people are and have to go say something? Is it because in their heart the feelings that they have towards those people are bad or something else? Why do people have to blame it on others rather than asking first about the situation they were in? Why are the children are the ones that suffers when the grown-ups can't do anything? Why are there no air conditioner in the subway stations?!
Anime and Manga: Why can't the anime be continue when the people who are going to license it is going to release that anime in a year or so? Can't we still watch it without buying it? Why are anime and manga store so far away in New York City?


DinLi said...

Jimmy Kun! Anime is for the win win win. Love your video, and the song sounds somewhat like the main theme of sen to chihiro...doesn't it?
By the way i would like to talk to you about your answers. Whenever you have time, let me know.

mAggIE said...

lol, the naruto pictures are so cute. >_<

Bao Lin Zhang said...

hah~~I can see how much you loved anime. I like the song too, is calm and slow. But not sad. Hehe*
Keep drawing anime, you will get better and better at it!! I know YOU will.!! Keep Up!
-Bao Lin

Massiel said...

i liked the video, i guess you are a true anima and manga fan XD i read manga/anime too! i love it! although i havent read a lot of books/series. you should reccomend me some books to read and shows to watch!

ian said...
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