Thursday, October 23, 2008

Response to I, Pencil - By Leonard E. Read

In "I, Pencil", it is about the author narrating as a pencil and explains the process of the makings of the pencils. Then he goes and talks about how there is an invisible hand at work that helps the people flow through. I think the main idea is we do not notice the hard work that the workers who make the things, for example, like the pencil and take it for granted. When the author/the pencil said, "Yet, not a single person on the face of this earth knows how to make me". We all hold a pencil before (maybe 98% of the population) but we never really thought about things that made the pencil a pencil because in our eyes, we see it as a simple writing tool. However, the truth is that it takes a long time and instructions/steps to make that one pencil. The pencil says, "But, sadly, I am taken for granted by those who use me, as if I were a mere incident and without background." This bought my attention that we take things for granted and is not really grateful for what happens behind the makings of those things. We just think that the pencil looks so simple that it can be easily made when it is not. Finally, he says that "Each of these millions sees that he can thus exchange his tiny know-how for the goods and services he needs or wants. I may or may not be among these items." Everybody have goals and meets that they want and need that is highly important which makes everybody misses out the smaller things that we need that is equal important. Like the pencil, we need the pencil to write but some people does not think that. I think our minds think that pencil is not of great importance when it is because we use it often like everyday and we do not notice that. "No individual possesses enough know-how to perform a nation's mail delivery any more than any individual possesses enough know-how to make a pencil." It seems like we know the basics of what happen with many things but we actually dont know the depth of everything that is made or created. We are all kind of "blind" on how we see everything because we mostly see the stuff that is simple-looking, simple, and not care much about it and use it.
I think that the story tells how some people or everbody have the knowledge or some knowledge for specific things, like the workers who know how to make the pencil and some people just not notice anything. In a way, we use each other to gain the knowledge to make stuff and those knowledge came from the resouces that we have. Like the workers have to use the tree, coals, rubber, and etc to make the pencils and the workers are being used by the people who paid them. Then we buy the products/goods or the pencils from the company and they make the money. (It is like the Circular Flow Model) Also I feel that behind the scene, when the pencil was talking about the "master mind" that it is the "invisible hand" that it is talking about. We are following that invisible hand that creates the market and capitalism (maybe) because we all have the desires to get "rich", profit motive, and that we use others as a "stepping stone" to do that. What I am trying to say is that we are all in the same circle but we worked in different levels and since some people know how to do something, other people would use them for their advantageous/to make money or they make it with other people to get the profit they want. It is like there is something that is making everything "flow" in a way to make "society to act in harmony" (sometimes if there is a huge uproar).

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