Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day Assignment

Obama's speech has given hope to the majority of the Americans. His speech gives courage and makes us gives our full respect to him. Since he is a person that have cross the journey from being a low class person to now, the president of the United States. Americans can now believe more in the American Dream because many citizens of America are trying to work as much as possible for survival and if they became like Obama is now (not saying becoming President), the gap between the riches and poor would decrease. When he was talking about the risk-takers, I think he seems to be talking about himself as well. "Greatness is never a given. It must be has been the risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things...who have carried us up the long, rugged path towards prosperity and freedom." Obama was a hard-working man and now he has become a risk-taker, because he is the president, he will be making a lot of the big decisions. And by his decisions, it will affect the Americans and their way of life. Also because of the "risk-takers", we have America today and I think he is trying to make the others understand that they have to work hard too. Since there are many challenges that America is facing such as the recession and the war, the people cannot be "faint-hearted" or "prefer leisure over work". They have to start to giving more to America, and by negative means, I think giving more labor power to the capitalists and for the positive mean, I think to get back how America was before the recession, and becoming even greater. 
But by having hard-working people, it is not always going to come out with them as rich people in the future. Everyone is different and capitalists do have evil-minds to calculate which to destroy and which to increase their wealth and also the invisible hand that change how everything goes. Capitalists are greedy and wants wealth and in Obama's speech, he talks of greed that has bought down so many things but greed is needed for capitalism to live. Because there's greed, booms and crashes occur because if the greed bought good services, of course the economy would go well, but greed can bring down the economy as well. 
In his speech, Obama says "we will not apologise for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense" which connects to how McCain says how American Way of Life is non-negotiable. Obama doesn't plan to change the way of life but in his speech, which contradicts the "change" that Obama has in his slogan. Majority of the people do not seem to notice his contradiction and I think it connects to the American way of life because we do not look at things carefully and does a lot of things by feelings, not really thinking before we act. But, I am not sure if he means what Bush means. Maybe to change the life better but after saying that, how "our spirits can't be broken" and "we will defeat you" cause change in what he said in the beginning. It's different from Bush, just giving a sharp statement. But Obama gives much more sincerity, I think, towards what he was trying to say. Everybody feels strongly at listening at Obama because the words he gives and the hopes of the future he speaks of with the respect of the past people has covered basically everything that needs to be said. Needs to be said to give everybody a secure feeling. We all wish for secure feelings and by having such a leader as Obama, and seeing in the video, with millions of people, especially African Americans, it has created a new team of unionity. 

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