Thursday, December 4, 2008

Deeper in the Constitution Part D

Given the distinction between a constitutional amendment and a law - if you had the influence how would you amend the constitution?
If I had the influence, I would amend the terms that a president can be in. In the 22th amendment, only President Roosevelt can serve more than two terms. Why is it only restricted for President Roosevelt? I think it is fair if there is a president as good as Roosevelt in the past to fix and lead America to a more higher level then they should stay for more terms. If the president are able to uphold all the expectations and having the majority of the people to vote for him, cheer for him, I think that president should have another term or a few if necessary. However, I still think there should be a rule where when the people think that the president is doing wrong, they can vote for the president to leave. In the constitution, if the president breaks laws, he can be impeached by House of Representatives and the senate but they do not state how people can vote as well. But what if the president didn't breaks laws or use too much strength but is not doing any good to the people? Shouldn't the people be able to impeach the president?

Another constitution amendment that I would amend would be 18th amendment where it prohibits/ban of alcohol but it was cross out in the Amendments. I think they should ban some alcohol, such as the really bad ones (although i do not really know). It is like cigarettes and smoking, alcohol can kill people too. I believe smoking and alcohol are considered drugs, the general drugs that kills a person's heart. In a way, I understand how people smoke and drink to get obstacles, bad thoughts, and stress out of their mind. People start binge drinking and smoking a large amount believing that they can forget a lot of the things that had haunt them, and well it do but it hurts the body parts and can make one go crazy. Then, there are the large dangerous drinks/alcohol that are there trying to earn profit and kill people. I think the government should ban those drugs in a way to lessen the people who drink a easier feeling. The government should cut out any trade that has too much dangerous alcohol it in them.

Question 4:
I think the general tendency of the Constitution and Amendments in my view of steady expansion of human freedom and decensy are how a lot of rules in the Constitution and Amendments are still approving and a lot of them, in the amendments have given a huge step in the society. There are a lot of reverses and contradictions in no particular direction because it depends on the history, what had happen in that era that affects the direction. I think there are always betrayals of democratic ideals by corrupt officials although I do not know much about them but there are always increase and decrease of those betrayals and the corrupt officials. Additionally, I believe that there are always an eternal battle between the evil and good sides of humanity because that is how we are able to live through, experience what humanity should experience by whoever created us.
In the Constitution, I think the most important ones are the preamble to start with...."in order to form a perfect union, establish justice, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings to ourselves and our prosterity". America is still improving to fulfill these goals that the author's had. America may be perfectly have these goals come true, but throughout the America history it has improve a lot for many eyes to see, especially mine. In the Judicial section, it is a good thing for the U.S. to not execute anyone and I think that gives people a good chance to refresh their lives if they do make a renew of themselves. A big part of the amendment I think has improve alot and has given America to become a more diverse and equal society is the 13th Amendment, Abolition of Slavery and a part of the 14th Amendment where everybody are all counted equally. Because of the abolition of slavery, many coloured people are not the same as today, racism has lessen and everybody are able to communicate with each other. Additionally, because as everybody is counted equally, we are able to feel equal as time went on.
As history goes on, the constitution and the amendments are always changing differently and so whether it is evil and good side, it always changes because of time. Since the consitution and the amendments have been created long ago, many things have improved and many things have changed.

How does the Constitution, as amended, create/constrain/shape the American Way of Life?
The constitution, as amended has create a lot of opportunities for the others, especially in the amendments to give other races to experience in the past a new life such as voting and no more slavery. They were able to live equally with the white people. It helped shape the American way of life today and it connect to all the deeper in the constitution part where today is more of a diverse and equitable society than before. There are alot of rights such as the right to vote plus all the gender to vote, abolition of slavery and more of the big rights. The Bill of Rights gave the people the right to practice their religion, freedom of speech, press, assembly and petition. Students lives in the school and how the school system are, the congress can not change which I think help us, the teachers to teach the way they would to pass on their knowledge to us. However there are also the constraints of what the school board wants and how the teachers have to teach at the grade level. Also, the constitution creates hope and change for us which affects our American way of life.
The constitution also constrains the people to behave. If the Congress and the supreme law do not control the people, it will creat havoc. So that's why a lot of the rules in the constitution is to have people to become a more in a way "nicer", and less discimination between people. The constitution is trying to create a "justice" and equal society. Even though the American way of life are listed as "freedom", we always have a invisible rule that guide us, half of us to have control and half the others to become the opposite. Then the society is build upon to have the good versus evil to control each other.
I think the constitution shape a lot of the ways in our American way of life. We have a capitalism economic system in America and because the constitution didn't forbid us we are able to have a bigger wealfare than other countries. Generally I just think that how the constitution and the rules on the Congress and the president to become faithful to the people and the supreme law. The people are able to choose more and has been living better than in the past. Finally, I think after the constitution and the amendments were made that we were able to live far differently from the past and our American way of life has changed throughout the period and still has been improving greater.

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