Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Day...Buy Nothing Day...Black Friday...hmmm....

My family does not celebrate Thanksgiving because it is not really in the chinese culture even though My family and I are in America. But on Thanksgiving Day, my mom sliced up tiny pieces of turkey meat and made fried rice with it. It was an okay combination but it does not taste really good. The turkey meat were rather dried and bleh... Hearing and talking with others about their Thanksgiving brings me back to why we actually celebrated. Is it because of the pilgrims? Because we are trying to unite our families together by having all the family members sitting around the table, eating the main dish, turkey, and other dishes that comes along with it? What does Thanksgiving really means besides the giving "thanks" (which spells out in the Thansgiving word)? It seems that Thanksgiving does bring people more together and all the yummy, and warm food that the families make for the whole family gives out a nice feeling... and it kind of gives out the message of "enjoy it with your family as much as possible in one day with all the yummy foods".~~

On Black Friday/Buy Nothing Day, I stay home because there was not much things I needed to buy. Hearing from some of the classmates (today), there was alot of people that went crazy with the shopping malls and other places that was holding the Black Friday Sale. Also a person got trample to death... Which is also a reason why because I do not feel like getting trample by people.
An observation that I noticed is that after having the Thanksgiving feast and giving thanks out, the next day is the Black Friday and Buy Nothing Day. I feel it's more of a compeitition after a relaxing day of stuffing yourselves with yummy food. It seems that at one day they are thankful and then the next day they turn all competitive to try to get as much they need or just want to buy it because its pretty or cute. Guessing from this, I think that our American way of life style is that we do things extremely and that we tend to raise competition more. *We have more competitive power hahaha~* Maybe because the economic is fallng quite down, people are trying to get the cheap stuff to save themselves but it also shows our greediness in things.

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