Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wal-Mart Worker Trampled Analysis

It was really surprising after reading the article, "Worker dies at Long Island Wal-Mart after being trampled in Black Friday stampede", and as the title suggested, one of the wal-mart workers got trampled to death along with "four shoppers, including a woman eight months pregnant, were injured" (above article). This year's Black Friday in Long Island Wal-mart had an "'out-of-control' mob of frenzied shoppers". There was "roughly 2,000 people gathered outside the Wal-Mart's doors in the predawn darkness" and the workers have to take "the doors off the hinges". Crazy isn't it?
This incident connects to the American way of life in a lot of ways. Generally it shows that people are selfish, ignorant (Massiel), "don't have their priorities straight" (Andy Lu), and they "rather save money" (Andy Lu). Because of this out break of people, workers have to fight and get out of the way to "live". At the end of the article, one of the employee says, "How could you take a man's life to save $20 on a TV?" This shows how we care for the "$20 on a TV" rather than the "man's life" and how we put our desires first. But thinking about it, it is also dangerous to stop yourself and save the man because you would get trample too. Since there is about 2,000 people, I think about 3/4 of the people don't even know what had happen when the man fell down and gotten trample because they were in the back, pushing to get in. I think the people are rather desperate to get their things or they are just going to the store to get things "upgrade" instead of really needing it. This connects to the economics because as price goes down, demand goes up and like this wal-mart example, the people becomes "savages" (Witness Kimberly Cribbs said). I don't think whoever trample over that man knew they were trampling over a man and after they know the incident, felt that it was not really their fault. When the class were having a discussion today, I strongly agree with one of the classmates who said money can be earn through time but no one can revive a person's life.
This also connects to how the when there are rush hours or just not really rush hours but alot of people, people would push and elbow others to get out of the way. That can cause injuries or verbal/physical fights between each other because a lot of people are hot-tempered about these things. It just shows how we don't care about our stuff but just need to get the obstacles away.

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