Sunday, February 15, 2009

Break Hw

Watching the videos of the animal birth and the human birth, I think the animals have a more natural way of childbirth than humans do. In the giraffe gives birth video, even though the giraffe are caged in a room, and a small mountain of sand for the baby giraffe to come out, the birth scene is similar to the birth scene if they were in the wild. Except the giraffes do not need to worry about predators. The people gave another giraffe, sort of a “midwife” to assist the mother for the birth process. It looks natural as the baby giraffe comes because there are no technology tools or interventions used for animals.

Unlike the normal childbirths for the women, natural childbirths give more ease and relaxation to the mothers. In the Ina May Talk video, her words about the normal childbirth are forceful. The doctors use their fingers to make the mothers’ hole larger for the labor and the baby to come out faster. It feels as if the doctors are raping the mothers. She thinks that by having midwives around the mothers, it would make the mothers feel less shy and able to give more effort in pushing the baby out. Having the midwives encouraging the mothers feel much better than having the doctors using their tools and interventions, which scares the mothers. Since midwives are women, the interactions/connections between the midwives and the mothers’ would be much more comfortable than in the room with doctors’ that sometimes would be male. Ina May also tells how the sphincter can close up because the doctors are making the mothers nervous and shy. Does this tell that having midwives and natural births are better?

In the Monty Python video, besides being funny, it shows negativity towards the birth doctors. The whole birth process was centered on the doctors and the doctors showing off to the director (the one dressing in a suit) to get credit. The mother tried to ask questions but it wasn’t really about her safety but what should she do. For natural births, everybody have to be attentive to the mothers and the child and their needs, making them more of the leader. However, in normal births, it’s the doctors. The doctors even forgot about why they were in the room at first, and then after a few thoughts, they know. I think it shows the doctors didn’t care about the birth process much since they have done the procedure many times. They just want to get it done so they can go home and it shows it at the end. They show the baby to the mother for a second and then they were all gone, leaving the mother alone and the father weren’t present. This make it seems the father is not involved when his child is coming out.

C-section happens when the mother’s hole is not large enough for the baby to come out. In the normal births, there are interventions and like Ina May said, the doctors used their fingers to hurry up the process. I think because the doctors are forcing the mothers and everything to hurry, and there was a mistake, c-section is the next choice. Watching the c-section video, people say we have to be gentle to the baby when it comes out but by watching the doctors, they look very rough and forceful as they sort of pull the baby out. Everything seems to be very fast even the cleaning of the baby was fast. The nurse wipes the baby quickly but not totally clean and it was done. I didn’t like the way they do it.

Many choose to go to the doctors when their baby is about to come out but they get worried and nervous around the doctors and the tools involved so why would they still want to go there. Like Ina May said, having natural birth with midwives are more positive, besides the pain and more comforting to the women. 

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