Friday, February 27, 2009

Business of Being Born Response

Watching the documentary "Business of Being Born Response", my own perspective towards childbirth have changed greatly. At first, I thought going to the hospital was where every pregnant women would go to give birth and that the women have have natural birth too. However, having watching the documentary, almost all of the hospital or all gives interventions and c-sections rather than waiting for the mother and baby to come out of its own accord. To me, the most important moments in the film was when the mothers are giving birth with the midwives because it's basically telling the pregnant women to get a midwife instead of going to the hospital. By comparing to the hospital births which they also show, it gives a huge difference in feeling between both. In homebirths with the midwives, it gives a sense of security and after the baby comes out and in the mother's arm, it gives a happy feeling. But in the hospital, the procedure, especially the c-section seems forced, rough and the baby were not able to be with the mother after it came out because of the interventions. The women that had homebirth didn't look as tired as the ones in the hospital, they look energetic and looking at the baby and the mother, they feel more connected. 
Crucial information that is important to know is the statistics on the c-section, the historical information, with the black and white pictures of the pregnant women tied up and the speakers saying how important midwives are to the women. Seeing the pictures gives horrible imaginations to what the hospital had done to the mothers and how it affects the mother's "life altering experience" in giving birth. In statistics, c-section is getting higher in the chart and in United States, less than 8% of mothers who had midwives to attend them for the birth. One of the speakers said midwives are crucial allies of the women and they ensure safety for the mothers. The price is also a case to look at because considering the midwife package ($4,000 with the midwife (wives) caring the the mother and letting the mother in charge) or the hospital package ($12,000-13000, doctor convenience and baby are sent to the baby room without seeing its mother), the midwife package looks much better. I think a lot of the mothers wants to have a baby but many of them do not research on the risks that the hospital can give and the choice of having a midwife. In the beginning of the documentary, they said not much people know what a midwife is. I think if many women who saw this documentary, they will find how important midwives are to the mothers and the future mothers. 
Additionally, when the mothers were giving birth, the midwife had the mother hold the baby once it came out. I think it is significant because the first person that the baby gets to see is the mother. It gives a closer and "empowering" (I think the main midwife in the documentary said it) relationship between the mother and child. The mothers also felt how hard the whole process and the extreme pain but after its over, the mothers looked so happy, relief and accomplished. 

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