Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Classwork in answering the birth questions

1. What are the kind of drugs use for the brith?
Epidural (talked in class), Induction is when the chemical forces the body into labor when it's not ready. IV lines: since the hospitals forbid food during labor; causes pain and irritation for the women because the cold fluids ;and constant needs to go to the bathroom because too much fluid; convulsions happens because too much fluid and unable to execrete can make the lung fill up. (

2. Does the drugs affect the baby? For example, epidural can affect breastfeeding (
http://www.lamaze.org/ExpectantParents/PregnancyandBirthResources/MoreTipsandTools/InterventionIndications/Epidural/tabid/400/Default.aspx) Chemical Induction causes more stress on the baby during labor.  (http://www.naturalbirthandbabycare.com/birth-interventions.html)

3. Do the drugs affect the mother or baby after the baby comes out?
Examples: IV fluids can disrupt the balance of a baby's blood. It exhaustes the mother after doing all the pushing and respiratory distress and seizures can be side effects to the mother and risk of the fluids flooding into the baby's system.
Routine Continous Electronic Fetal Monitoring is when they strapped the mother on the bed and having a monitor monitor the baby's movement. However, it can cause the mother's labor to go into c-section because of the high false positive rates continous fetal monitoring. It can cause much damage to the baby (lose of oxygen) and the mother's birth canal and uterus if the mother can't shift their position. 

4. Why do women not use intervention? Interventions should be avoided because of having IV fluids and continous electronic fetal monitoring are not good for the women. It can begin a fever and bloating because of the fluids. Also, having a natural birth is the healthiest and even though it's going to be a lot painful, its better than being sick because of the interventions and still have to give birth. (

5. How often does death of mother or baby happens with anesthesia/drugs/interventions?

1. What percentage of women have c-sections?
2006: 31.1% (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesarean_section)
1 in 3 babies in the U. S. (http://www.marchofdimes.com/pnhec/240_1031.asp).

2. What % of women gets abortions ?
- Fifty percent of U.S. women younger than 25, women aged 20-24 = 33%, Teenagers = 17% (http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/fb_induced_abortion.html#7)

3. When was c-sections invented? Around 1200 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesarean_section)

4. Why do women have c-sections ?
- The baby is too big to pass safely through the vagina
- Already had a c-section or other surgeries on your uterus
- The baby's position, the breech position or transverse position, that might be unsafe for the baby to come out because head has to come out first for the safety of the baby.
- There are problems with the placenta
-Labor is too slow or stops
- Having more than a child in the womb
-The baby is having some birth defect

5. What is the amount of children getting adopted in America? 

Researching about the questions and reading the mother's giving birth story, I think the people who did not experience about the births and how the baby's are deliver are really clueless. Reading about the stories that the mother have wrote, it tells how they are so nervous and worried about what would happen when they go into labor. They worried about the interventions that the doctors would give them; what if the baby's position goes wrong?; and many other topics that we, the people who is not giving birth would not talk about. Generally, we all know what happens when giving birth and it takes a short time to explain it, but as for the actual experience, it takes a long time especially for the mothers. I think only the mothers who is giving the birth is the one actually worrying about the process but the others including the father is not really. For the father, I think it's also because they are male, they do not truly understand how the female feels about the baby and so, they would be confuse as to what would go on during the labor process. 
The topic about interventions explained in the articles all seem risky, but the doctors’ give it to the mothers is to ease their pain. What would happen if the mothers doesn't take intervention? How would the pain dwell? Additionally, reading articles about c-section, there are more cases with c-section than vaginal births in this time because of the mothers thinking its less pain and because the baby's position is not fit for vaginal births. It gives a feeling that the mothers do not want to experience pain as much as they should. People say birth is a unique and wonderful moment but as time passes, it feels as if the parents wants the child, but don't want to experience the pain. 
Normally, people think that abortions is immoral and the ones aborting their child shouldn't abort it. However, it is a necessary if the parents do not have enough financial support for the family or if its an unintentional birth, the mother would not want it. They abort the child because there are also other children suffering and adoption is another method of having children. They would choose adoption because they would not want to feel pain or especially now, a bad country and environment, bringing another child into this world is bad for the child too. Adopting a child gives the child a new life with the parents and it does not have to be blood related bonds that families must have. 

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