Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Food Cultures - Home & incorporate

My way of food is if no one were at home, I would go outside to buy food for my sister, when I need to take care of her and I. I am very picky with food so if the food does not look pretty or the ingredients in there are not to my taste, I would not eat it. Because I only know how to make rice and cook the instant noodles, the healthiness is not great so my mom constantly nags me. I would just find food or buy food from the store. It is typically the same for my sister because she doesn’t know how to cook either and finds snacks at home or tells my parents or I to buy her snacks. As for my parents, especially my mom, she would always make my sister and I eat as much of the healthy dishes she makes. Since my sister and I are both pick eaters, the healthy dishes that my mom makes doesn’t appeal to us, especially me, much. Mostly, my mom is the one in the kitchen except when my father has his day off. It depends on the number of dishes and ingredients that my mom or father buys to make the meal. They would make meals that have flavor in them but not a strong flavor. I think the sauces that they were making are to balance out the flavor. However, sometimes they would make a bitter dish from this Chinese vegetable and it was for nutrition so both my sister and I have to eat it. My mom always tries to make the food to be balance for our health. For example, if there were fried dishes, she would have soup that go after the meal. There is always a meat and a vegetable dish and using oil for the basic cooking and adding soy sauce for flavor; I think the soy sauce was a main flavor that my family adds since I was little. As for take outs, my parents, especially my dad does not really like that because he thinks it is better to cook our own food than get take outs, which might be unhealthy and that it is better to taste a family member’s dishes and having family time. However, for the people in the U.S. mainstream, such as in the movies and TV, many times they would have take-outs and make different culture meals. Sometimes the meals are pizza, or Chinese food, or Mexican food or spaghetti and etc. Then in the streets, I would see people eating from fast food restaurants and the fast food restaurants have crowded places. They would eat burger; fries, soda and the ones that like eating healthy would go to the expensive places since the food are organic. Also, because the adults or teens that need to work, they have to eat faster, and if they have to wake up early, they do not have time to make their own meals. I think for those speedy meals, there is not much sacredness in there because they are only buying the food to eat and the food is convenient for them to eat while their break time is little. I think the mainstream Americans like to eat different culture food or what everybody eats such as pizza every night.

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