Thursday, April 30, 2009

Food Journal

On Tuesday Night:
Food: rice, celery, beans, tofu, fish, chicken, drinks: apple juice, water~ oranges~
My dad cooked the food, and the food was bought from the chinatown markets. Since its all chinese dishes, I do not really know what the process in making them nor explain the words on how he does it. I ate dinner with dad and sister while waiting mom to come home but I finished before she came home. I was watching t.v. so the three of us watches t.v. unless my dad have to fix my sister's manners on her eating. The food was tasty and I was hungry so I ate fast. Also, I felt thirsty during dinner. I did not really think about how I ate it because you just eat the food, unless it's food that is really different from what you normally eat. I use chopsticks for the utensils. After the dinner, I felt much sleepier but also awake because when stomach grumbles, I cannot concentrate fully on what I am doing but after having a full stomach, I feel satisfy and then gets lazy (since the food need to digest too). Around 30 minutes before bed time, my mom cuts oranges in a bowl for me to eat. It was good oranges.~

Breakfast next morning: Skip breakfast but bought a cold milk tea. Before going out of the house, my mom would nag about me not to eat while walking since it is bad for health. A thing I notice is that a lot of Americans do that because they are busy with their work and maybe getting late to work.

Lunch: School lunch ~ I had a tray of fries, meatballs with tomato sauce, garlice breads, milk and ketchup. I think because the lunch ladies and misters always make fries, I got kind of sick of it and there was too much tomato flavor in the sauce, so I end up not finishing half of it; didn't feel that hungry for some reason. The garlic breads were tasty. I was sitting with Yu Xi, Vincent and Na Lin at the end of the table (and most of the junior asians sit). At first it was quiet but then we all started talking random things. Before lunch, I felt hungry, then I think because of how the food taste, I lost some of the appetite and then after the meal, I felt okay.

Dinner: Rice, and a mix dish of pork and a chinese vegetable that has been put in a jar with salt water, so in English, if translated its salt vegetable. My mom would fast chop both the pork and salt vegetable into tiny pieces and then put it in the pot (I'm not sure if what my parents use is call a pot), and then she stir-fry. It's very good actually, one of my favorites and with the rice, it's a good combination. I am not eating with my sister and mom (dad at work) but sitting in my room because I was busy with assignments. I ate the rice and the mix dish of pork and salt vegetable in 10-15 minutes, rather hungry today.~

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